Boston Globe: Romney's Fundraising Will Lag This Quarter - Sophie Quinton on day true story

Republican front-runner Mitt Romney is set to report raising between $11 and $13 million in his third-quarter campaign finance filing, the Boston Globe reported Thursday on its website, citing an unnamed source close to the campaign.

Romney raised $18.2 million in the previous three months. Romney aides have predicted that Texas Gov. Rick Perry will outraise Romney this quarter. 

"The first reporting period is usually the best finance report for a campaign," Romney Communications Director Gail Gitcho told the Globe. "We are going to raise considerably less than what we did in our first reporting period, but we will still meet our finance goals for this quarter."

The sluggish economy and an enthusiastic donor response to Perry's entry into the race may have sapped some of the former Massachusetts governor's fundraising strength. And, many GOP donors are still fence-sitting, waiting to see which candidate appears more likely to be able to beat President Obama in 2012.

Romney raised $35 million during the first six months of his last campaign, according to the Globe. This cycle, he's likely to raise $31 million in the same period. Romney loaned himself $8.8 million last cycle, but Gitcho told the Globe that the multi-millionaire hasn't tapped his bank account yet and doesn't plan to do so this quarter.   

An outside group that backs Romney, Restore our Future PAC, reported raising $10 million during the first six months of this year, the Globe reported. Friday is the end of the third quarter fundraising period, although candidates have until Oct. 15 to file their reports with the Federal Election Commission.

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