Meteorological measures movement tectonic plates on day true story

Sunday, 16 October 2011 14:51

WILLEMSTAD — Experts from the Unavco recently installed a GPS-system at the Meteorological Service in Mahuma, which measures the movement of the tectonic sheets.


Unavco is a consortium of American universities where the studies geology and other sciences related to researches of the earth can be followed. The Global Positioning System, installed at the Meteorological Service, is part of the project 'Continuously Operating Caribbean Observational Network' (COCONet).


The National Science Foundation (NSF) finances this project. Fifty similar systems were installed in the Caribbean area and Latin America to register the smallest movement and approaching earthquakes. The data is used for research. The system can also be used to measure the air humidity and this data can be used to predict downpour or the forming of tropical cyclones.

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