New Delhi: It's been eight days since Sukma collector Alex Paul Menon was taken hostage by the Naxals. Two Naxal-appointed interloctors reached the rebel hideout, deep inside the Bastar forests for another round of talks but failed to achieve any breakthrough to secure Menon's release.&
The Naxals want 17 jailed cadres to be freed in exchange for Menon. Chief Minister Raman Singh has said their demands will be considered only within the legal framework. Meanwhile, the Colletor's family led another candlelight vigil in Sukma to demand his release.&
The Naxals have refused to extend the deadline and are now demanding the release of nine more of their cadres, including Kartam Joga and Vijay Sodhi. &
The government has already missed one deadline and is yet to respond to the latest demand. &
On Thursday, the first round of talks between Naxal representatives and the state government began, without any forward movement despite three rounds of discussions. &
Meanwhile, former MLA Manish Kunjam, who had gone to deliver medicines after the collector's health deteriorated, returned with news that Menon's health condition was fine.&
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