Estonia's President Meets with the Dalai Lama on day true story

Good for Toomas Ilves, the president of Estonia, for meeting with the Dalai Lama:

Okay, he called it an "unofficial meeting"—whatever that is—but, these days, while China is choking off support and respect for the Dalai Lama around the world, it is vital that President Ilves held the line. Estonians, not to mention Latvians and Lithuanians, should have a special affinity for the Dalai Lama and Tibetans. They, too, have experienced occupation by a Communist country. 

Over the past few months, the Dalai Lama completed the transfer of his political and administrative powers to the elected Tibetan exile government, and specifically to its new head, Lobsang Sangay, who was sworn in on August 8 in Dharamsala.  The Baltic states, the U.S., and other stalwart supporters of Tibet should meet to figure out how to maintain and raise the level of support for the Dalai Lama and for the democratic Tibetan exile government. There is strength in numbers and strength in principle.

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