Newman's plan for entertainment shutdown on day true story
Campbell Newman's plan to impose an early shutdown on Queensland's popular entertainment precincts will leave young people with nowhere to enjoy themselves on the weekend and cut jobs from the hospitality industry, Deputy Premier Paul Lucas said today.
Mr Lucas told Queensland Parliament that Campbell Newman had revealed his plan to impose earlier closing times on venues in Fortitude Valley in October 2009 and this plan could well be rolled out across Queensland.
"Campbell Newman told media in 2009 that pubs and clubs needed to have an earlier closing time*," Mr Lucas said.
"In fact, in his own words, he was desperate to stop the fun for the 50,000 people who visit the Valley on Friday and Saturday nights.
"The view of Campbell Newman is that young people don't have a right to enjoy themselves.
"There are also thousands of people working in Queensland's hospitality and entertainment industries who would lose working hours under Campbell Newman's plan.
"His plan to impose earlier closing times was a backflip on his previous position and no doubt he'll back flip again."
Mr Lucas said young people deserve the right to go out and enjoy themselves and not be told by paternalistic politicians like Campbell Newman what to do and when to go home.
He said the State Government last week released a six-month snapshot of Drink Safe Precincts which showed the trial was making a positive difference in key entertainment precincts.
"We've invested $8.5 million for our Drink Safe Precincts trial in Fortitude Valley, Surfers Paradise and Townsville," he said.
"Mugs and thugs who are caught doing the wrong thing will be dealt with.
"This will help people who are having fun without causing distress to other people do that in a safe environment."
*Brisbane Times:
Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State
The Honourable Paul Lucas
Newman's plan for entertainment shutdown
Permanent Link: Newman's plan for entertainment shutdown
Publish Date: 23 Aug 11
Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State :
PO Box 15009, City East Qld 4002, Brisbane
Phone: 07 3224 4600
Fax: 07 3224 4781

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