The Spirit Happy Diabetes Diet a better choice than Dukan for diabetics on day true story
As a health researcher, I can say the Dukan Diet is a dangerous diet for diabetics and non diabetics. This diet is mainly popular due to a few celebrities that have used it, the same celebrities are not using it today. The diet is strictly unhealthy and not a safe way to lose weight. A filmmaker's Spirit Happy Diabetes diet may be a better choice for diabetic and those looking to lose weight
It is important to understand exactly why the Dukan diet is so dangerous for people. I will break down the diet and show you clearly why this is very dangerous.
Phase 1 or the Attack Phase – eat an endless amount of lean protein, include 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran daily and drink only six cups of water (approximately 1.5 litres). You cannot eat any fruits or vegetables.
This is simply bad science and horrible health advice. All major studies show that fruit is a healing part of any diet. The diabetic can eat fruit and heal the body as fruit has natural sugar that does not injure the diabetic. The Dukan diet goes further and suggest that you eliminate vegetables! This will ruin a dieter and cause health problems. the Dukan Diet is a dangerous diet for diabetics and non diabetics
Phase 2: You continue to stuff your face with lean protein and Oat brain. People have become bloated and have suffered from strong gas odor. "Dukan allows a little vegetables in this phase"
Phase 3:You are rewarded with one fruit and more Oat bran. You can also include a slice of toast
Phase 4: More Oat Brain and a day of all Lean Protein.
I can say the Dukan Diet is a dangerous diet for diabetics and non diabetics. A diabetic needs healing of the Beta cells of the body, the Dukan diet does the exact opposite. No one stays on this diet long, it is not healthy and produces some cheap water weight loss that comes right back. A filmmaker's Spirit Happy Diabetes Diet quietly had over 20,000 users last year. The diet is a healing diet that has stop diabetes in thousands. You eat what you like as the body heals.
I can say the Dukan Diet is a dangerous diet for diabetics and non diabetics. You may see the filmmaker's diabetes diet here SEE HERE

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