Hoosier Hype | Indiana Daily Student | idsnews.com on day true story

By Stephanie Kuzydym | Sports Editor

Posted at 11:51 pm on September 24, 2011 | | if( function_exists('ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_BUTTON') ) { ADDTOANY_SHARE_SAVE_BUTTON(); } ?> | Comments (5)

While the IU football team played in North Texas, losing 24-21, injured running back Darius Willis helped a different kind of team win, when he helped professional wrestler PJB take down his opponent with a flying shoulder tackle.

"I've just always wanted to be around (pro wrestling), wanted to come watch it," Willis said Saturday evening. "It was just something I wanted. I always watched wrestling and just wanted to go out and give it a try and see how it is."

During an Infinity Pro Wrestling event held at the National Guard Armory, Willis was provoked by professional wrestler Austin Manix when he called Willis out for being part of a losing football program, one that "can't beat Michigan."

Willis took off the Indiana football shirt he was donning as he stepped in the ring during the match between PJB and Manix. PJB was on the mat. The referee made Willis step out. The IU running back slammed his open hand on the mat to cheer on PJB, a friend of his since "way back." Willis lifted his arms to raise the crowd noise when PJB looked to be defeating Manix. Then he helped finish off the match by entering the ring. He dove toward Manix, taking him to the mat with the flying shoulder tackle. Manix was down for the count.

The crowd rose to its feet.

Willis has seen a crowd on its feet before. Although he hasn't played a minute in his junior year, Willis was one of the main running backs on the 2010 team. The IDS was told this week from a source close to the situation that Willis would not be returning this season due to a nagging injury. IU Coach Kevin Wilson has not completely ruled out the 2011 season for Willis, saying he doesn't know if his junior running back is out for the season.

"I just wanted to get out of the house and go watch it," Willis said. "Otherwise, I'd be inside playing video games all night."

Since he was always playing in Saturday games, he was never able to make it out to any of PJB's matches. He settled for watching the post-match videos in YouTube. But this Saturday, while the IU football team was almost 900 miles away, he still spent his time protecting his Hoosiers.

"I didn't like the guy talking crap about not beatin' Michigan," Willis said. "As much as I don't like to lose, I don't like to hear people talk about our IU football program losing, so I was just ready to get in there and take the guys head off."

Although he missed the start of the game against the Mean Green, Willis eventually got home to watch the end of the "disappointing" loss. He used the professional wrestling match as a way to cope with not being in Denton, Texas.

"Football never dies," Willis said. "I think about it 24/7."

As for a future in the professional wrestling ring, Willis said he wasn't sure.

"I don't know," Willis said. "We'll see what happens in the future."

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