Lawyer: Man may enter US from Mexico to bury son - Local News - Clarksburg, WV on day true story

& ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) - An immigration lawyer says a Mexican man will be allowed to enter the United States to bury his 10-year-old son, a U.S. citizen who died in a house fire in northeastern Pennsylvania.&

Fidelmar "Fidel" Merlos-Lopez initially was barred entry into the country. But his Philadelphia-based lawyer, Elizabeth Surin, tells WFMZ-TV that her client was issued a humanitarian parole to attend the funeral.

She says Lopez is on a plane bound for Pennsylvania.

Lopez's son, Damien Lopez, died Tuesday in a Shenandoah row house fire along with his cousin, aunt and 7-month-old half-brother. The funeral is set for Monday.

Lopez was an illegal immigrant who left the U.S. voluntarily in 2008. He's in the process of getting his green card so he can rejoin his wife in Shenandoah.


Information from: WFMZ-TV,

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