CISPA—time to kill this sucker on day true story

& Zak from Fight for the Future/Privacy is Awesome sez,:& &


& It's only days before the Senate votes on its version of CISPA, and the SECURE IT Act. The bill would open all your data up to the government, no matter how personal. Good bye privacy, hello police state. Since the vote is soon, anything we do at this point has a big impact, so if you care about your privacy, stand with us and take these actions:&

& The first thing you can do is change your Facebook cover photo to show your friends the creepy records government will be keeping on us if CISPA passes.&

& There's another thing you can do to send your message even stronger. Visit a Senator's office and deliver this explanation of how CISPA and SECURE IT would trample our privacy, or mail it in if you can't visit in person. Tons of people will be doing this. It's the best way we can educate our senators; a disturbing number of them don't really understand what they're about to vote on.&

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