Bachmannâs big upset prediction â CNN Political Ticker on day true story
(CNN) - Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann is banking on another victory in Iowa, and this one will be an upset.
In a Tuesday interview on CNN's "American Morning," Bachmann said 70% of voters are still undecided about who they'll support for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination and the "flux" of the race could be a boon for her.
Programming note: GOP presidential candidates face off at 8 p.m. ET Tuesday, November 22, in the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, D.C.
Bachmann scored a win at the critical Ames Straw poll in Iowa back in August and predicted Tuesday "there's going to be an upset on January 3rd in Iowa. We've worked very hard…we think we're going to be the winner in Iowa."
Winning the first GOP presidential nomination contest in the nation would be significant boost to Bachmann, who has fallen to the bottom of the pack in recent national polls.
In a Monday interview, Bachmann implied it was time "to let a woman speak," a reference to a recent debate controversy where she was asked fewer questions than some other candidates. A CNN poll released Monday placed her in sixth place with five percent support.
In the Tuesday appearance on CNN, the candidate emphasized the benefits of a Bachmann presidency in a pitch that could be aimed at women when she added, "It's time to have a mother in the White House. We never had that before-to have a mom in the White House-I think it's time." Five percent of women back Bachmann, according to the CNN poll.
Bachmann also touted her national security chops in the interview, stating she's "the only one involved in foreign affairs and national security" of the GOP candidate pack as a member of the House Intelligence Committee.
And saying she looks forward to the debate hosted by CNN, the Heritage Foundation, and AEI Tuesday night from Washington, D.C., Bachmann named the focus of the debate, national security, as her "favorite topic."
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