The Death Clock, When Will You Die? on day true story
The Death Clock is a type of quiz that has been circulating around the internet for years.
This quiz is supposed to tell a person the exact date of which they are going to die just by answering a few simple questions about their lifestyle. You start off by entering your age, height, weight, etc.
After filling out the entire survey you are left with the exact date of your death according to all of the information you enter into the quiz.
The "Death Clock" has been searched quite a bit today mostly by the fans of the new television show "Up All Night".
The show which stars Will Arnett and Christina Applegate aired an episode in which Arnett's character Chris thinks that the people at Sports Illustrated are predicting the year he may die because his subscription ends in the year 2032. He decides to search the Death Clock online and take the quiz.
There is actually a Death Clock online which looks eerily similar to the one that Chris used on the show.

The Death Clock, When Will You Die? © Alexey Romanov |

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