& & & crime& & & & & Idaho Man Ordered Held for White House Shooting& & & &
& & Posted& & & by George Prentice on& & & Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 1:13 PM& &
An Idaho man was ordered held today, pending an almost-certain indictment, to face charges of shooting at the White House.
Oscar Ortega-Hernandez is accused of opening fire on the executive mansion with a semi-automatic weapon on Nov. 11. President Barack Obama was away from the White House at the time.
This morning, U.S. Magistrate Judge John Facciola listened to prosecutors say that 21-year-old Ortega-Hernandez had a "Messianic complex," referring to himself as a modern day Jesus Christ. Additionally, an FBI agent said during the hearing that 12 spent bullet shells were recovered in Ortega-Hernandez's car. Two bullets and a bullet jacket recovered from the White House were also matched to a rifle found in the vehicle.
Ortega-Hernandez's defense attorney said no one had positively identified his client as the gunman.
A doctor has determined that Ortega-Hernandez is competent to stand trial. If convicted, he faces up to life in prison.
& Tags: Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, White House shooting&
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