Favorite Silver Stars Halloween Costumes on day true story

Danielle Adams – My favorite Halloween costume was when I dressed up as the yellow Power Ranger. I thought when I put on the costume that I had the yellow Power Ranger's powers.

& Jayne Appel – I was a gorilla, my mom made the costume for me.&

& Tully Bevilaqua – We don't dress up for Halloween in Australia, but this year Parker will be a football and I will be a Colts player or cheerleader.&

& Becky Hammon – I had a spot on costume of me as Punky Brewster, and since I also had a Golden retriever, Brandon the dog also came along on my trick or treating route!! I also did an awesome Brittney Spears imitation in college too!!&

& Roneeka Hodges – I don't remember having a costume. I would just go knock and get as much candy as I could without a costume.&

& Jia Perkins – I can only remember one Halloween and that was my clown outfit.&

& Porsha Phillips – Cinderella, of course.&

& Danielle Robinson – I'd probably say when I dressed up in my brother's high school football uniform when I was in the sixth grade was my favorite. I wanted to be like my brother and do what he did so when I got the opportunity to finally put the uniform on I was very happy.&

& Ruth Riley - One of my favorite Halloween memories was when I was playing in Lugo, Spain and I convinced my teammates that we needed to dress up, I went as an American football player (from Notre Dame, of course) and the outfits my teammates came up with were just priceless. They aren't exactly used to celebrating that holiday; we had a lot of fun!&

& Sophia Young – I never really dressed up for Halloween but I would probably be Wonder Woman. I liked that show when I was younger.& & &

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