Diamond ring pops up in Houston Salvation Army red kettle | Newswatch on day true story

This diamond ring and note, wrapped in a $20 bill, were dropped into a Salvation Army red kettle in The Heights. (Handout photo)

Continuing a nationwide tradition of anonymous donors dropping valuables into the Salvation Army's red kettles at Christmas time, someone in Houston has deposited a diamond ring.

Salvation Army officers found the ring in a kettle outside a Kroger store at 239 W. 20th St. in the Heights, spokesman Juan Alanis said.

The ring was wrapped in a $20 bill with an attached note:

I haven't used this in over 7 years. Hope it does better for you than it did for me! God bless. He is the reason for the season :-)

The ring has not been appraised yet but whatever its worth, the donation is a blessing, Alanis said.

"We'd like to thank the anonymous donor. The generosity of this donor is what the Christmas season is all about. It's an inspiration not only to us but others in the community. Once people see that others are giving, it inspires them to give too."

Earlier this year, the Salvation Army in Houston received three gold coins in red kettles and a fourth was donated by Houston Gold, Alanis said.

While the Houston corps has received gold coins in the past, this is the first diamond ring, Alanis said.

Last year, a ring was anonymously dropped into a kettle in Shawnee, Kans.

Such donations are especially welcome this year because the need is great, Alanis said.

It doesn't have to be a diamond ring or a gold coin, but any amount is really a blessing to us.

The Salvation Army here registered 30,000 children and senior citizens for Christmas donations, which were delivered earlier this week, he said.

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