Is it Really Worth it? on day true story
One of the most followed murder trials in the U.S., the Casey Anthony case, it appears, is not yet out of people's minds, even though it has been more than six months since she was acquitted of the murder of Caylee Anthony, 2, her daughter.
The nation that followed the trial closely for three days was eventually divided into two - those who believe she is innocent and those unhappy with the verdict and believe she was involved in the disappearance and murder of her daughter.
In a recent attempt to squeeze a bit more money out of this high-profile murder case, Los Angeles-based television producer, Scott Sternberg, is offering the rights to the first ever interview, post the acquittal, of Anthony, according to a report in The Hollywood Reporter. The report said sources have learnt that Sternberg is asking for a fee between $500,000 and $750,000 to deliver the interview.
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Apparently, while the network can decide on the interviewer, Scott Sternberg productions will co-produce the program. So far, though, a number of networks have declined, for obvious reasons.
Casey Anthony has been the subject of controversies ever since the media began covering her trial. She has since been rated as the most hated woman in America. Under such circumstances, there will be few advertisers willing to support a program that features her.
Television channels HLN and MSNBC (who have already faced criticism after they covered the verdict; they received hate mails who promised to boycott MSNBC if they granted her another platform) have confirmed they have not yet been approached; both say they are not interested. In addition, channels like ABC News, CBS News and NBC News have also said they will not be paying for the interview.
Anthony has already received an enormous amount of coverage and the subject of not inconsiderable hype. The latter includes the display of private photographs showing her partying with friends and comparisons with Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie.
It could be argued, as it has all across the world, the media has behaved in an unethical manner and sought to provide a woman under trial for murder the status of a celebrity. Sections of the media were even found pandering to gossip and entertainment angles, as the trial was being held.
In such a situation, it might be wise for network chiefs to tread carefully and think twice before accepting, if at all they do, any interview with Anthony.

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