State's do-not-call list could be replaced by federal one on day true story

GEORGE HESSELBERG | | 608-252-6140 | | Posted: Monday, February 27, 2012 8:10 pm

A new proposal to replace the state-maintained do-not-call list with a federal list will get a hearing Tuesday morning before an Assembly committee.

The bill would require a state agency to keep track of a list already maintained by the Federal Trade Commission and would make it a "Wisconsin" list by including telephone numbers with Wisconsin area codes. The state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection estimates the plan could save $190,000 a year by giving up the list.

Rep. Keith Ripp, R-Lodi, one of seven Republicans and one Democrat sponsoring the bill, could not be reached for comment Monday night.

The bill was introduced Wednesday and added to the Assembly Committee on Consumer Protection and Personal Privacy's agenda on Friday. The hearing is scheduled to start at 10:31 a.m. Tuesday in the Capitol's North Hearing Room.

The current telemarketing law, approved in 2003, has allowed residents to put their names and numbers on a list that telemarketers are required to use, deleting consumers' numbers from their solicitation lists.

The law stops most unwanted telemarketing calls, with several exceptions. It does not protect from surveys and political messages, nor calls made to existing customers or from nonprofit organizations.

The state no-call list is updated four times a year and includes more than 2 million phone numbers, with renewal required every two years. The federal list does not require renewal.

Last week the state Assembly voted 94-0 to pass a bill that would extend no-call prohibitions to text messages. That bill, passed by the Senate last October, awaits Gov. Scott Walker's attention.

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