Football: Who's on the 2012 schedule? | on day true story

The high school football schedules are starting to trickle in for the 2012 season.

There's not a lot of drama in the Beach District, since those teams have no non-district games. But fans won't have to wait long to see what figures to be showdown of the top teams: Salem visits Bayside on Thursday, Aug. 30.

Elsewhere, there are some intriguing non-district match-ups. 

In the Southeastern District, Oscar Smith gets started first with an Aug. 25 home game vs. Byrnes High School of South Carolina. It's scheduled to be televised nationally. The Tigers then take a week off before playing at Great Bridge Sept. 7.

New Western Branch coach Greg Gibson has a tough debut: Aug. 31 vs. Norcom. 

The Southeastern's annual showdown between Grassfield and Oscar Smith is Oct. 26 at Oscar Smith - a week before the regular-season finales.

In the Eastern District, Churchland opens the season at Kecoughtan (Aug. 31), at home vs. Phoebus (Sept. 7) and at George Washington-Danville (Sept. 14).

Granby has non-district games vs. Great Bridge (Aug. 31), Gloucester (Sept. 7) and at home vs. Woodbridge (Sept. 14). Lake Taylor has non-district games at home vs. Indian River (Aug. 31), at Bethel (Sept. 6) and at home vs. George Washington-Danville (Sept. 21).  Wilson continues its series against Northeastern (N.C.) at home on Oct. 5. Maury's non-district games are Grassfield (Aug. 30), Woodside (Sept. 6) and Lakeland (Sept. 14). Norview - which hasn't yet named a coach to replace Greg Gibson - travels to Maryland to play Eleanor Roosevelt on Sept. 1.

The Virginia High School League's first official day of practice is Aug. 5. And if you're looking waaaaay ahead ... the Group AAA state championships are scheduled for Dec. 14 at the University of Virginia.

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